Regularly you can earn $1.00 for every 2 prescriptions you have filled at the Pharmacy.
*Now through March 15 you can double the bucks on prescriptions ($2.00 for every 2 prescriptions). With this current special you will earn 4% back on CVS brand items.
To sign up for this promotion, cut out the coupon on page 14 of your CVS ad for this week and bring it into the store. OR if you have an Extra Care card sign up online
How do you redeem Extra Bucks and the "% Back" that you earn? The "% Back" gets added up and will get printed on a receipt after April 1 (for Winter spending). The Extra Bucks earned on purchases get added to your current receipt and you can use them on your next purchase!
The plan for CVS this week (2 items):
SoftSoap Nutri-Serum Body Wash (15oz)
Regular Price: $4.99
Sale Price: $3.00
Coupon: $1.00 (from this week's Newspaper)
Out of Pocket: $2.00
Savings: $2.99!
Theraflu (6 Count)
Regular Price: $6.49
Sale Price: $5.99
Coupon: $2.00 (
Out of Pocket: $3.99
Savings: $2.49!
Bonus: $2.00 Extra Bucks for my next purchase!
Additional Score: I'm also printing my Fall 2009 Reward (only $1.00) to use on my total purchase.
I'm dishing out $4.99 for $11.48 worth of items. Saving over 5o%.
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